
This website was created for the COPLAC Digital: Hidden Pasts and Indian Lands: Transfer, Dispossession, Reclamation class. We are hoping to heighten SUNY Geneseo’s, and the wider Geneseo community’s, awareness of the fact that the village sits on native land. While there are subtle winks to the native history of this area on SUNY Geneseo’s campus, we wanted to explore how this area was settled, how the native people were pushed off the land, and what’s being done in the area now in order to respect and teach the native history. In the following pages we will narrate the story of land transfer from the Senecas to the European settlers in the Geneseo area, and we hope to highlight the unjust treatment the Senecas received in the process.


COPLAC Digital intends to use digital tools to encourage student created projects that can showcase the skills they’ve cultivated throughout their public liberal arts education.

This website was created by Jack Kitzen and Hannah McSorley.

Hannah McSorley is a senior at SUNY Geneseo studying English literature. She hopes to work in publishing after she graduates, and to someday be a writer of novels and short fiction.

Jack Kitzen is a senior at SUNY Geneseo studying English literature and Native American Studies. They hope to work within the field of social activism and someday be a writer and multi media artist.